Thursday, April 27, 2017

social media content writing tips

1. Quotes: Humorous, inspiring or motivational quotes always perform well.

2. Fill-in-the-blank posts (e.g. “If I had $1 million I would _________”)

3. Polls: While Facebook offers built-in polls, I find running them manually works best for boosting engagement (e.g. “Which of these books is your favorite?”)

4. Behind-the-scenes photos: Take candid shots of yourself, your employees, or snap a shot of your office or workspace.

5. Statistics or data: Share new, relevant industry statistics (these perform great in terms of retweets and shares)

6. Post a link to an old blog post: There’s nothing wrong with recycling, and old posts will gain new engagement, extending their life.

Amazon Niche Site Home Page Content Writing Tips - 02

How to research topic information

Google search

       -niche keywords + reviews

       -niche + tips

      -niche + guide
      -niche + top

Amazon Niche Site Home Page Content Writing Tips - 01

Hello, we have shared an Amazon niche content writing tips.that you send to the writer as instruction for writing Amazon product niche home page content 
I need naturally written keyword focused page with the following sections. Please refer the following site to get an idea of what kind of page I need. Our visitors are from the USA. So it should be written in American English without any grammatical mistake. Other important criteria are writing should be very much focused, to the point and without any extra or unnecessary filler words.
·        http://www.houseofjuicers.or

Keywords For home Page:

Primary Keyword: (best water filter pitcher)

Other Keywords: (
best water filter pitcher reviews, pure water filter pitcher review, best water filter pitcher reviews 2017)

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Fm Method English Learning Formula-Level 2


1.I can do                       আমি করতে পারি

2.I could do                    আমি করতে পারতাম

3.I should do                 আমার করা উচিত

4.I would do                  আমি করতাম

5.I may do                     আমি হয়তো করতেও পারি

6.I might do                   আমি হয়তো করতাম

7.I must do                    আমি অবশ্যই করব

1.I am able to do                    আমি করতে সক্ষম

2.I was able to do                  আমি করতে সক্ষম ছিলাম 

3.I shall able to do                 আমি করতে সক্ষম হবো

4.I have been able to do       আমি করতে সক্ষম হয়েছি

5.I had been able to do        আমি করতে সক্ষম হয়েছিলাম

6.I am being able to do        আমি করতে সক্ষম হচ্ছি

7.I was being able to do      আমি করতে সক্ষম হচ্ছিলাম

Some English Sentens For Learning English

01-English is taught us to become skild man resorseces.

02-We are most needed to know english beside higher education.

03-Now is very focast on self dependet.

04-Who d’not gaind good success in life.           
05-Its better not to met of bad friends.

06-What do you know how to be apply for DV visa.

07-A interNational confarence is to be held how to be remove international tererishiom.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Advenced Content Writing Tips 2016

1.Keyword Use


-Title Eliment


-Body Text

-Image Alt tag

2.TF-IDF(Tearm fequacy-in Docoment fequacy)

-Notherly use TF-IDF Words like in,are,were, others The Article not stuffing keywords.use synonyms words.

4. Page Segmentation

-Much keyword use in the body content like car,best car,expensibe car,others.

5.Semantic Distance & Term Relationship maintain the Article use releted  keywords.

7.use suportted keyword in the article