Thursday, December 22, 2016

FM Method Formula Example:FM Method Formula

Leson1A+B=Parson+verb OR to+verb

I come here to learn english

His aim in life is to be a idel man

I was admitted to fm institute to learn english properly

Huge amount of money was spent to build padma bridge

I was curious to learn good english from my childhood

He wants to meet his friends

He sits to study after the evening falls

I was curious to know about an unknown thing from my childhood

Fm method is much effective to learn english prperly

A few flyovers habe been build to remove the traffic jam in dhaka city


I want not to waste my time

It is a great virtue not to adopt unfairmeans in the examination

The flood affected pepole were advised not to drinc open water

The students were told not to make a noise in the class

She is a girl who is not to tell lies

The doctor advises him not to take stall food

He tries not to worry

The aim in life of all is not to be educated unemployed man

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